After a grueling, 36-hour trip to Taiwan with our Square Tree author and human trafficking survivor Shari Ho, we finally landed in Taipei. We met the rest of our team at the Airbnb we were staying at. I had a much-needed shower, put my head on the pillow, and finally drifted off to sleep.
“Get up,” God said at 3 a.m.
“Now that you are boots on the ground, I need you to put your shoes on and begin to walk and make declarations over the land,” He instructed.
I knew exactly what He meant. Prior to our arrival, He kept showing me the number 8. Now that we had reached our destination, the number switched to 5.
Our key verse for the trip was Isaiah 55:5: “Surely you will summon nations you know not, and nations you do not know will come running to you, because the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, for He has endowed you with splendor.”
I got out of bed, put my shoes on, and began to declare this verse over the land of Taiwan as I paced back and forth in my room. I felt a little silly in my pajamas with my shoes on, but that is what God wanted me to do.
Our trip was fruitful, and we landed an international foreign rights deal for Shari’s book. We all came home elated
That was over 5 years ago.
I waited on God until he gave me the green light to move forward with this deal.
“Go! Now is your green light. Move forward with the Mandarin translation of Shari’s book,” God said with excitement.
“Now, God? With all that is going on in Tawian politically…now?” I mused.
That was 2 months ago.
“Get ready for what is about to hit when you release Shari’s book in Taiwan,” God’s instructional voice came back.
“Be prepared, and don’t miss this opportunity like you did years ago when you were on national TV,” He chided.
I knew exactly what he meant, but I was unsure how to prepare for what was to come. I knew it would be big, but I was contemplating how to be prepared and what I could develop to capture the opportunity.
That was 2 weeks ago.
“You need to meet my new friend and landlord in Georgia,” Amanda said to me last week.
“Her family is from Taiwan, and they would love to hear what you’re doing with Shari Ho’s book.”
We met on Zoom yesterday, and I didn’t know what to expect—I had no agenda. I stayed open to what God wanted to do. As I met this amazing lady, her sister, and her mom (who still has her Taiwanese citizenship), they told me about their efforts in Taiwan to create a movement between all the churches to bring them together in unity. After church, they would walk the streets with flags and begin to declare things over the land.
The name of the movement…
Taiwan for Jesus 555.
It turns out they were there at the exact same time we were in Taiwan 5 years ago!
I asked them why the number 555, and they said they were declaring Isaiah 55:5 over the land.
I was completely stunned as they explained all they were doing in Taiwan.
They volunteered to help work with the Square Tree team and to combine our efforts to make sure we capture all that God wants to do in this next move of God in Taiwan.
After the call, I sat there and soaked in what had just happened.
Was this the answer to God’s instruction to be prepared?
I was blown away by the divine appointments and how God had orchestrated the whole thing for us to meet.
If Amanda had not been obedient to moving to Georgia and trusting Him for the finances to make that possible, I would not have met these amazing women who have become a key for me into the nation of Taiwan.
This whole situation highlighted how utterly interconnected we all are to each other.
Our callings are REAL!
Obedience is not optional!
Choosing to trust and obey God not only affects ourselves, but truly affects those around us and helping them come into their own Promised Land.
I am still walking this new adventure one step at a time, but as I do, God has been faithful to provide the next step for what He is about to do.
As a visionary and strategist, it can be hard sometimes to let it go and fully trust God, but I can truly say it is completely worth it. His ways are so much higher, and as we co-partner with Him and what He is about to do, it will be the adventure of a lifetime.
What has God called you to do?
Write your book
Market your book
Speak about your book
Whatever your next step—take it knowing that God will provide, and you can trust Him through the process.
Buckle up, Buttercup!
God has an amazing adventure in store for you as an author!