Square Tree Editing Portal

Do you want an editor?

Applying for a Preliminary Manuscript Review is the  first step to be considered for editing services with Square Tree Publishing. 


Whether you want developmental, content, or line editing, every author needs to go through a Preliminary Manuscript Review. When you submit a manuscript for a Preliminary Manuscript Review, we will respond back to you within 14 business days and inform you if your manuscript was accepted and moving onto the next step for editing services through Square Tree Publishing.

If your manuscript is not yet ready to submit, then click the  Professional Beta Reader service to get critical feedback into a completed manuscript in good condition.


STEP 1 - Professional Beta Reader

The Beta Reader will read your entire manuscript. You will receive feedback on your manuscript and suggestions for improvement so that you can submit it to Square Tree Publishing for editing services. The Beta Reader will answer twelve key questions and give you a written assessment of your book.

STEP 2 - Preliminary Manuscript Review

The Preliminary Manuscript Review editor will spend two hours looking over your book to see what shape it is in and what level of editing you will need to begin with. Because of the volume of submissions and the content of the books we receive, not all manuscripts will be offered editing services. Due to the nature of the different skill sets of editors in the marketplace, all manuscripts must go through the Preliminary Manuscript Review, even if the author has already hired another editor to look it over.

STEP 3 - Developmental Editing Services

If you receive approval on your manuscript, you will be offered either developmental or content editing. All children's books under 1,000 words will go directly to the content editor. If you are assigned to a developmental editor, then when they are finished you will skip the content editing phase, and go directly to line editing and proofing after that. Price will be based upon word count and the condition of the manuscript.

STEP 4 - Content Editing Services

If you receive approval on your manuscript, you will be offered either developmental or content editing. Some manuscripts will go straight into content editing, which means you will not have to go through developmental editing. Once the content editing is done, you will go directly to line editing and proofing. Price will be based upon word count and the condition of the manuscript.

STEP 5 - Line Editing

On rare occasions, manuscripts are in such great shape that they can go directly into line editing and proofing. We do suggest that after line editing you get the Interior Formatting Template, and format your book firstbeforethe proofer looks it over. You will be able to catch any final typos that way. Price will be based upon word count and the condition of the manuscript.

STEP 6 - Interior Formatting Template

The interior formatting template is a Microsoft Word Document template for a 6”x9” book. You will be given a selection of different font and chapter icon choices to customize your book. If you already know how to use a Word Doc, then this easy-to-use template is a no brainer to purchase. You may use the template on as many of your own books as you’d like.

*This product is meant for your use only. Sharing with friends or reselling is NOT permitted. 

STEP 5 - Proofing Services

The final step in the editing process is proofing your book. We recommend that you format your bookfirst, before you hire an editor to proofread your book. That way they not only catch grammatical mistakes, but any formatting ones as well. Price will be based upon word count and the condition of the manuscript.


If you want help with your writing, we encourage you to join our Writer's Groups that meet weekly with a professional writing coach.Join Square Tree Writer's Cohorts that give you the accountability, community, and coaching tofinally finish that book you always wanted to write! 

Click HERE for more details.


Disclaimer: Square Tree Publishing and the Christian Author Shop accept manuscripts for consideration of Services and/or Publishing at its own discretion.