Sandra, one of our Writer’s Roadmap authors, sent us her amazing testimony about a incredible opportunity she found after giving God her YES!
“Monday, I answered a ‘we're hiring’ ad on Facebook eight minutes after it was posted.
It was for a position at the local magazine I have been writing for. I didn't know the other lady was leaving or that the position would be coming open. I joined the team the next day!
You'll never know how much you and the Square Tree Writer’s Roadmap prepared me for this next step—which I had no idea was around the bend. THANK YOU for doing what you do! You are making a difference in so many ways, in so many lives.”
As an author, you never know what is on the other side of your YES to God.
Sandra had NO IDEA what was coming after she gave God her YES, but God did.
She now has this amazing new job and feels prepared for it because she did th work ahead of time.
As for me…I am a strategist and visionary, and I know how tough it can be to trust God with my time, energy, and finances.
When we give God our YES by releasing control over the future and trusting Him, we will discover the amazing possibilities waiting for us on the other side.
He is worthy of our trust.
He has plans for us as writers.
He is ready to give us some of the greatest gifts we can imagine.
We need to be obedient to His calling.
If God has truly called you to write your book, it’s not an optional assignment, and it cannot be put off.
Anything God calls us to do will cost us.
Our mindsets are usually what gets in the way of completing our assignments with God.
Push through your blockers, and choose to continue to believe God at His word over your life.
You are an author.
Your book will have an impact on those around you.
Your book will make a difference in this world.
The Square Tree community is here to help you break off those limiting beliefs and
finish that book you’ve always wanted to write.
Here are some ways to get involved with the SQTR community:
#1: Join a SQTR writing cohort.
#2: Join Dr. Amanda in her Author’s Golden Guild group coaching program for
breaking off false mindsets and getting to the finish line of your assignment.
Author's Golden Guild 8 month pay/$135 mo
Author's Golden Guild $997